If You’re Getting a Permit, You May Need a Site Plan to Go Along with Application. You May Need a Site Plan in Addition to Other Construction Drawings. Even If You’ve Already Received Other Construction Drawings from Another Retailer, We Can Produce a Site Plan for You Independently to Go with Your Overall Drawing Package. Site Plans Show Where Your House is Going to Be Located on Your Chosen Property Within the Required Property Setbacks Set Forth by Your Local Building Department Jurisdiction. Additionally, You May Be Required to Submit a Site Plan for Several Different Reasons, such as, Roof Repair, Expanding Existing House, Buying or Building a New Home, Miscellaneous Construction Permits, HOA Permits, Sign Permits, Deck Addition, Porch Construction Permits, Adding or Removing a Swimming Pool, Demolishing Work, adding a Shed, and or Constructing a Fence.
Site Plan drawing shows the project site, land lot, and specific location based on site analysis based on study of boundaries, topography, drainage, traffic, setbacks, seasonal weather, lot shape, site utilities, zoning, vicinity, neighborhood character, and historical or futuristic conditions. Our site plan here was created from information obtained from a survey and or plat map provided by the surveyor. Survey and or plat map is a land plan that delineates the property lines with their bearings, dimensions, streets, existing dimensions, and existing easements. Survey or plat map metes and bounds are above the property line bearings described by degrees, minutes, and seconds; the property line dimension is noted in feet and decimals. Heavy dashed lines here, of the outer edge are property lines that define extents of the specific lot. As you can see, on the side of each lot line is its specific polar coordinate that is described by its length plus the angle relative to true north or south. On the back corner of the lot lines, you will see P.O.B. (point of beginning) it is the starting point for lot lines and or property lines.
Site Plan drawing shows top-down view of structure with roof attached as it is positioned within the site, dimensioned, and located according to required jurisdiction setbacks. Site Plan drawing notes are to the left-hand corner here and site plan keyed notes are located below that describe items noted with number keys on the plan. Legal description listed under site notes is land description location of written words which delineate a specific piece of real property. Impervious coverage here is for rainwater run-off and drainage. Swales are used for storm water retention and is a V-shaped land catching device used to control water flow. Also, included is sidewalk detail (s) for concrete sidewalks around the building area.
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